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Curves filter updates in upcoming Gimp 2.10.12

  Curves filter updates in upcoming Gimp 2.10.12

Still, some very cool improvements are also available: Improved Curves tool Layers support for TIFF exporting Support for user-installed fonts on Windows Faster painting Improved symmetry painting support Incremental mode in the Dodge/Burn tool Free Select tool now creates a preliminary selection New Offset tool Improvements and features Improving curves editing and Curves tool Generic curves interaction The interaction with curves in general has been greatly enhanced, which is an improvement both to the Curves tool and all other places where curves need tweaking (currently paint dynamics and input device settings): Relative motion when dragging points When dragging an existing curve point, it won’t “jump” anymore to the cursor position upon pressing the button. Instead it will move relatively to its current position as the cursor moves. This allows selecting a point with a quick click without moving it, and adjusting a point position more easily. Additionally, when the cursor hovers above a point, or when dragging a point, the coordinate indicator now show the point’s position, rather than the cursor’s. Snap to curve when holding Ctrl When holding down Ctrl while adding or dragging a point, the Y-coordinate will snap to the original curve. This is particularly useful for adding points along the curve. Likewise, the coordinate indicator shows the snapped coordinates. Curves tool specific interaction Additionally, some improvements are specific to the Curves tool: Numeric input of Curves tool points Two new spin-buttons labelled “Input” and “Output” are now available in the Curves tool interface. They allow setting the selected point’s coordinates numerically and accurately if needed. Add smooth or corner curve-point types Control points can now be either smooth or corner points. Smooth points produce a smooth curve, while corner points result in sharp angles (previously, all points were smooth and this is still the default). Corner points are displayed using a diamond shape, instead of a circle and the type can be changed in the Curves tool.


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